Welcome back to school! As our students get adjusted to the new school year, there are many new faces at Springwood International! We are happy to welcome our new students, returning students, and house parents back for another great year. With academics picking up in classes, sports getting underway, and clubs starting, there is always something to do in the Springwood International Program!
As we wrap up the first quarter of the school year, we reflect on the hard work of the teachers, students, and staff members who make the Springwood experience the best it can be. We celebrate our new students and alumni alike with sports and Homecoming and look to the future with College visits for current Juniors and Seniors. Fall Break provided a nice, relaxing extended weekend for our students to enjoy activities provided in the community. We look forward to the second quarter and a good finish to the first semester!
The end of first semester brought with it final exams, the end of Football season, the beginning of Basketball season, and many Holidays for the students to enjoy. As we welcome our 8 new students, we look back over the first semester while looking forward to all that second semester will bring!
The end of the third quarter brings with it interim week, experiential learning, and warmer weather! Congratulations to our basketball teams, math team, and art students for their success in their regional competitions. Our soccer team is currently undefeated as they work towards another run at the state championship. As we start the fourth quarter, students are looking forward to Spring Break, Prom, AP exams, and--finally--graduation!
Warmer spring weather means more outside activities! Springwood International students have enjoyed spring sports, a quick trip to the beach over Spring Break, Prom, and afternoons of fun and games at the International House. Springwood has received several recent state-wide recognitions for the AISA state teacher of the year, the regional win of our Math Team, and the boys' soccer State Championship win. With three weeks left of the school year, students are looking forward to Graduation, final exams, and many other end of the year festivities before a well-deserved summer break!
Congratulations to the class of 2024! As the Senior class officially became Springwood School alumni on Saturday, we look back on the last few weeks of the 23-24 school year. Students participated in activities such as Wildcat Workday, the Senior Prank, the Progressive Dinner, and more. All these events led up to AP exams, regular course final exams, Baccalaureate, and Graduation. We wish all our students a great summer and look forward to seeing them (and our new students) back in August!