SGA 2024-25
(Student Government Association)
Advisor - Mrs. Amy Camp
President - Kateley Walden
Vice President - Emily Jo Matthews
Secretary - Ella Powers
Treasurer - Jay Barnes
Chaplain - Jonas Camp
Parliamentarian - Ellie Wolfe
Historian - Annie Kate Davidson
Grade Representatives
12th - Aubree Brown, Breanna Hanvey, Lily Hill
11th - Madison Robinson, Tucker Sides
10th - Kate McSpadden, Katherine Stogner
9th - Lily Hanvey, Maddox Powers
8th - Kalpansh Bhandari, Jacqueline Van Schoor
7th - Sidney Evans, Emaline Swenson
Leo Club 2024-25
Advisor - Mr. Lee Pino
President - Emily Jo Matthews
Vice President - Corbin Clark
Secretary - Breanna Hanvey
Treasurer - Kateley Walden
Webmaster/Publicity - Jonas Camp
Board of Directors: Lily Hill, Madison Robinson
NHS 2024-25
(National Honor Society)
Advisor - Mrs. Suzanne Cook
President - Brennan Plank
Vice President - Emily Jo matthews
Secretary -Addison Worsley
Treasurer - Aubree Brown
Chaplain - Jonas Camp
Historian: Kenadie Oliver
Thespian Society 2024-25
Advisor - Mrs. Jessica Morrow
President - Ava Wilkerson
Vice President - EMma Grace Hudmon
Secretary - Emma Cook
Treasurer - Jackson Broderick
Historian - Connor Moseley
Senior Officers - Class of 2025
Advisors - Mrs. Amy Britton, Mrs. Sally Brown
President - Lily Hill
Vice President - Kateley Walden
Global Vice President - Kris Huynh
Secretary - Jay Barnes
Treasurer - Ella Powers
Chaplin - Emily Jo Matthews
Junior Officers - Class of 2026
Advisor - Mrs. Amy Camp
President - Jonas Camp
Vice President - Madison Robinson
Global Vice President - Ritchi Tshinyama
Secretary - Dave Gondara
Treasurer - Connor Moseley
Chaplin - Corbin Clark
Team Oversight Leaders - zoe Rose Sheppard, Maddie Mceacharn