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Inspiring the Mind, Training the Body, Nourishing the Spirit

Springwood School seeks to develop the wholeness of every student through academic excellence in a Christ-centered culture so that they are fully equipped to impact the world as compassionate, thoughtful, life-long learners.

Rather than a specific creed or statement of faith, Christ-centeredness is nurtured at Springwood School through multiple avenues, most importantly the teacher/student relationship–a faculty and staff whose spiritual lives have been enlarged by their own journey of faith in Christ. All students are exposed to scripture, prayer and Chapel on a regular basis. Other opportunities for deeper faith development on campus are available, including a Bible elective. If you are from a different faith background, your presence here enriches us. We celebrate and welcome you here!

In all of the curricular and extracurricular activities, we strive for intentional and balanced attention to the body, the mind and the spirit of every student. 

7th-12th Grade O