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Formation of Houses

In the Spring of 2022, Springwood’s Student Government Association hatched an idea to divide the student body into four “Houses” that would be assigned a color and compete in Wildcat Games at the end of school.  It was a test drive that fueled the  imagination of this year’s Senior Class at their retreat as they asked: what would happen if we do it again but we do it “Harry Potter” style and run it the whole year? Enthusiastically, our Seniors began brainstorming ways to include everyone on campus in healthy competition not only athletically, but also academically, on Spirit Weeks and in community service. One beautiful moment was when they decided that the House names should honor special people and/or traditions connected to Springwood. In that spirit, four Houses were born. Dr. Plank asked the House Leaders to write a little piece to share with the student body when the houses were unveiled.

7th-12th Grade O